Tuesday 20 June 2017

Final show stickers

Here are some stickers I have had printed to hand out at the final show. I just took parts of my looping aniamtion and gave them a black boarder. I think they turned out pretty well.

RaidKing Stag

This is my final piece for the final show. I spent a long time working on it and am rather happy with how it came out. I'm going to have it printed on A2 foamboard and hung up with the rest of the final pieces people in my class have made.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Raider designs

Some charcter designs I have been working on for my final project. I have some more ideas for charcters that I might develop further depending on how much time I have left after finishing my main piece.

Character in Photo

For my final show I was asked to create a charcter and inbed them into an old photo of myself so it could be printed onto a Polaroid and used as a artist profile with my final piece. The idea was to create something very similiar to the first project from the course, unfortunatly I joined the course late so I don't have one from the first year to compare it to. Overall I'm happy with how my character came out and I feel they have a very unique look.  

Monday 27 March 2017

Games Brief

Here's some concept work I did for a game idea I came up with for a college project. I had a lot of fun with this project, designing characters, levels, UI, and box art was quite a fun task. My game idea was a top down brawler with rogue-lite mechanics. Had this idea about the game being set in the afterlife during the roman period so everything has this marble/monochrome aesthetic and the characters have armour based on historical gladiator finds. I also had this idea of the antagonist being this skeletal emperor who judges your skill as you play. 

Concept Art

Here is a piece I did for a concept art brief at college. As you can see I started out by photobashing my idea together, I then took that photobash and used a lightbox to get the line art. I took that line art into Adobe Illustrator and went over the line work. Finally I took that line work into Photoshop to add colour and some effects like the reflections and glow.
There is a lot I have learned from this process and seeing the mistakes I made along the way helps me to see how I would do it differently in future. I feel i have already improved quite a bit with the techniques I used and would definitely like to try this process again.

3D project work

Here are some screenshots from some of the animation work I did in a project using Cinema 4D. I mostly wanted to keep with abstract shapes and movement so I did a lot experimentation with cloners and randomisers. I quite like some of the a shapes I was able to create and the way the shapes moved. I will try turning some of these into gifs soon so I can better show off how they looked In motion.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Mask gif

Here's that gif of my mask. It works much better on a loop. I really like how it came out and think I might use the design as a logo or branding on future projects. I like how when watching it on repeat you start to notice colours you didn't see at first.  

(Here's one with a transparent background)

Friday 20 January 2017

My mask for an animation we did as part of a live brief for a music festival called Festival on the Wall. I will post the finished animation soon and a GIF of my finished mask.

Friday 13 January 2017

Cinema 4D character design

To start to learn how to create characters in cinema 4D we used templates of  B.M.O from adventure time since his design is very simple. We created our own templates in Adobe illustrator and imported them into cinema 4D  and were able to turn the templates into 3D objects to make up the character.

Cinema 4D Experimentation

I have recently started some work using cinema 4D for college. We were given a project to create a 30 long animation using Cinema 4D focusing on workflow to the industry standard. I have spent most my time experimenting with mograpgh, using things like randomisers and cloners to create geometrical patterns and motions. I created this with the help of my tutor just by using cloners and displacement. I hope to have more 3D work up soon.