Wednesday 30 November 2016

Trip to The National Media Museum

I took a trip with college to The National Media Museum in Bradford. We went to a talk by video game industry leaders at Creative Assembly (the Total War Series) about the marketing of video games. While there we were able to walk around the animation exhibition that had a lot of sets from various British animations. There were sets from Andy Pandy, Wallace and Gromit, Morph and The Wombles. I think I enjoyed the meusem part of the trip more, though I enjoyed the talk thanks to me being a fan of Creative Assembly's work.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Character Designs Through Time

  • As part of my college work I was tasked with creating character in the style of different era's. In order we have: 1920's, 1950's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, Modern and future.
  • (1920's) I started out by looking at iconic cartoon characters from the 1920's like Felix the Cat and Mickey Mouse. This inspired my monochrome and cartoony look for my first character. I also went with a 20's mobster look and my character is also sporting a 1920's Thompson Sub Machine Gun.
  • (1950's) I then moved on to the 50's and created a character with a similar look though slightly more advanced using some basic colour for the crocodile skin. His outfit and hair style was inspired by photo's of 50's Greasers.
  • (1970's) My 70's character is heavily inspired by the Band Kiss as found the king cobra sticking his tongue out reminded me of them. I used a lot of line variation on this piece as it was the in style of the time.  
  • (1980's) For the 80's I looked at the shows I remember watching when I was growing up. This meant a lot of He-Man and Thunder Cats. I wanted to make a character that both looked like they would belong in one of those shows and make a cool action figure.
  • (1990's) For my 90's character I was inspired by cartoons of the era that were trying to become the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Shows like Street Sharks and Extreme Dinosaurs.
  • (Modern) When I came to do my modern character I wanted to ape the style of shows like Adventure Time and The Regular Show by creating a very cartoony character with thin limbs and a rounded body.  
  • (Future) For my finale character i wanted to revisit my first character and try and rework the style I used to create them. This was inspired by the upcoming Mickey Mouse cartoon which has revisited his older style and themes. I can see a lot of companies doing this in future. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Here is some test footage from my VFX project at college. Just trying to make up a viking age scene using some assets I collected from the Castle local to my house. I took the images into Illustrator and traced then silhouetted the images out to get this effect.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Font Editing

Some fonts I was edited for both this blog and my personal Star Wars the Old Republic (swtor) blog. All fonts are from all I did was take them into Photoshop and edit them. For this blog I went with a 80's neon look and for my swtor blog I went with something a bit more aggressive looking to  help represent my Sith lord Character. The final is something that happened just from messing around and I ended up liking how it looked, not for my SWTOR blog though.
(My main swtor character)

Monday 3 October 2016

Maya (borderlands 2)

Here is an older drawing I did of Maya from the borderlands series. I'm still new to colouring with pens and this was done as a practice piece as i was trying to use the colour just on highlights and where I wanted the colour to stand out the most. I also liked working on a character which is typically in a cell shaded style. All those lines of detail were fun to try out.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

This is some testing footage from my VFX project. It was made by taking a green screen on location and filming. We then took the footage into After Effects and were able to manipulate the footage and just try some different things out. I added a nuclear explosion to the background and a fire effect that times with the footage. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with it :)

Ashara (Khajiit)

I was going through some of my old screenshots on Steam and found a screenshot of my old Khajiit character from The Elder Scrolls Skyrim. I still really like the design I came up with for her. It really give off the stealthy rogue look. I also enjoyed my use of mixed media using pen and pencil and how it came out on the finale result.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

My attempt at making logo for my characters raider gang. I tried to make it look rustic so it would look like something the raiders would be able to paint in the post apocalypse to signify Stag territory.

Monday 19 September 2016


My raider boss design inspired by the raiders from the Fallout games and the psycho's from the Borderland series. It's just a quick sketch I did while traveling between home and college, though i hope to revisit it later and flesh out the design further. 

Raider Overboss (Fallout charcter design).

I was trying to think of something fun to draw for my blog and since I have been playing fallout 4 recently I decided to draw the character I created for my latest playthrough. The entire idea behind this character is to be completely evil because I was annoyed at how the main story forces you to play as a good character.
Anyhow this was a faun piece to draw as i'm still experimenting with body poses as I find I struggle coming up with poses that suit the character i'm drawing. 

Wednesday 14 September 2016


Here is a collection of photo's I took while in Newcastle. The first three are from when I  on a trip to The Baltic. nothing at the Baltic grabbed me enough to take a photo but at least I was able to get some photos of the river on the walk back. I love the look of the desolate buildings along the Quayside, they have a very post apocalyptic feeling. I also like how there are spots where old barren buildings are in among the more modern buildings.
The last three photo's are from my trip to the Victoria Tunnel by Shields Road. There are some great places to get photo's of street art around there. I really enjoy the bricked up building I came across with 'Home sweet home' crawled onto the window. Then just along from that I found the Queens head which I just love. I love how part of the face has eroded and someone has filled the space tom make it look very skeletol.

Tali'Zorah 3 marker challenge

My second 3 marker challenge. Again, following on from my last piece, this is just more practice. Im really happy with how the colours ended up working together and like my Mysterio drawing I was happy to do more of the intricate patters. I'm also happy with how the reflections in the glass visor came out.  

My first 3 marker challenge.

More practice with my markers. I started by drawing this character, a sort of Orc/elfish rogue. I then selected 3 markers at random and forced my self to do all my colouring using just those 3 colours. This is also the first time i have tried blending with markers and i think it worked rather well. Other then the 3 coloured markers I also used a white pen to make the warpaint pop more and make the edges cleaner. I'm still practicing but hopefully improving.


I decided to draw Marvel's Mysterio to practice using my new Sharpie's. This was a really fun piece to do with all the overlapping lines that make up the texture on his suit and the patterns on his bracers. I have also started some other drawings which I hope to try out the 3 marker challenge on. Hopefully limiting myself to 3 colours will allow me to create something striking.