Wednesday 14 September 2016


Here is a collection of photo's I took while in Newcastle. The first three are from when I  on a trip to The Baltic. nothing at the Baltic grabbed me enough to take a photo but at least I was able to get some photos of the river on the walk back. I love the look of the desolate buildings along the Quayside, they have a very post apocalyptic feeling. I also like how there are spots where old barren buildings are in among the more modern buildings.
The last three photo's are from my trip to the Victoria Tunnel by Shields Road. There are some great places to get photo's of street art around there. I really enjoy the bricked up building I came across with 'Home sweet home' crawled onto the window. Then just along from that I found the Queens head which I just love. I love how part of the face has eroded and someone has filled the space tom make it look very skeletol.

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